This was the original design for the bag. thinking about how the straps could add an element to not only the look but the functionality. However, for this bag I wanted to use only recycled materials and was donated some amazing leather swatches that became the main design feature.
After successfully making the appropriate design changes, I sewed the bag and was able to achieve really nice Patchwork and color blocking on the front of the bag. It not only emphasized the story, but yields aesthetically pleasing results. The animation above was created in tandem with this project.
The bag is titled 2x3 - each patch on the bag represents one of the championships the bulls won during their streaks. It also Is a subtle nod to arguably the greatest basketball player, Michael Jordan (#23).
The bag went through wear-testing and was tested for durability after being coated in protective spray. Overall the end result led to a bag with a great story, and even better functionality. 
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